The dolphin man: a publishing experiment

"For the few who knew I'd left, I have arrived. Who am I? Some people call me the dolphin man. That's all you need to know for now. Where am I? That is a secret, a top secret."

So starts an account by a researcher (who dislikes the term 'scientist') who is investigating the way dolphins communicate with each other over distances of hundreds of miles of ocean. The researcher has set himself three to five years to prove the sceptics wrong — "there's just me, and this blog. I have a laptop with satellite broadband Internet…. if you are reading, please feel free to spread the word to friends but avoid snoopy academic or journalist types. And animal extremists too…….This is between you, me and the dolphins."

The experiment begins here.

Footprints in the sand.

An indigenous welcome.

My humble home.

A sacred story.

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